Wednesday 22 April 2009



My blogging mojo is gone.


I should be doing my essays now. Or studying for my french test tomorrow.


No oomph to do work. =(

I need inspiration. Motivation. Whatever. Somebody, anybody, please help?


Haha.That was fun. Well, not fun. Interesting.

Body parts - labeled (in French)
*note: Small typo error - it's la coude, not le coude (elbow).

I found the picture online, and labeled it and everything! And censored it, too. That's the first thing I did, actually. Censor the picture, I mean. It was DISTURBING. o.O

Anyway, if anyone taking French wants it to study body parts for French, I made a blank one too!! Heee I am awesome.

Body parts - blank template

You lifted me onto the highest cliffs.. and then you let me take the greatest fall.

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