Friday 2 May 2008


I had the weirdest dream last night. Seriously.

I was walking in a ... place with shelves. Basically the set up was like this :

Goodness knows why I was there. But that's not the weird bit yet. Two Mechanical Hound like things (like the Hound in Fahrenheit 451, just that these were more robot-ish, as in, they could stand up and everything) came from around the two corners. It was super scary. Somehow I dodged and managed to escape. After that, they continued chasing me (they don't move very fast, for some reason) up to the two parallel shelves (the vertical ones). Then there was this loud noise......... music. Then some people I couldn't really see (it was dark) sort of formed a circle around the shelves (with me in the centre). And then they all started dancing. Like, the kind of modern hip hop dancing (I know, WTH right??). Nothing elaborate, but it was pretty good. I just stood there watching them. When the music was over, there was silence.. and all of them stood in the same circle looking at me. Then suddenly, I recognised Jvn Yi (I have no idea what he's doing in my dream either. =P), and he shouted "Happy Birthday Caitlin!!". (Damn weird, right?). Dim lights came on and I recognised more of my friends. Li Ying said to me, "I can't believe I just danced! I can't believe I memorised the routine!!" (sorry Li Ying, no offense meant yeah. The dream was totally out of my control. Hehe). And I told her I thought they were good, and that they all could participate in So You Think You Can Dance. By the way, Carmen was there dancing too (Is it getting weird now? XD). Chen Han and Michael (or maybe it was Cheng Chun) came and asked me if I was okay. No idea why. And then .................................

Carmen's alarm clock rang.

So potong steam right? XD

-end of dream-

See, I told you it was weird.

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