Monday 19 May 2008


You know what? Friends really make my life interesting.

Conversation between myself and my dear roommate last night.

-explicit conversation about a subject of no importance to you guys- XP

Carmen: Admit it la, you're in denial.

Caitlin: No I'm not. *pause* I'm not in denial about your amazing-ness. I say you're amazing all the time. *concealed giggle*

Carmen: I know la, but that one not counted.. that's like saying the Earth is round.

Caitlin: *in undertone* But the Earth isn't round, it's a sphere.. *snigger*

Carmen: OMG shuddup la! The Earth is sort of a round spherical thing.

Get it, get it?

Carmen SO asked for it. Hee=)

ANYWAY. On to things today. Exam is coming up in a months time (June 21-27). I've actually started studying Psychology. *beam* Notice I said STARTED. I'm nowhere near finishing. Unfortunately. Okay. MOVING ON.

I find that some girls are just in a class of their own. Which is a good thing. I won't say as much for some others .... but nevermind. We must all be tolerant, no? =)

Anybody care to think of a theme for the Trinity College 2008 annual ball? I'm supposed to come up with one. Heheh. Help? XD

I'm anal and proud of it, because that means I've changed.

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