Friday 7 December 2007


I went for that 5 hour Undang seminar thing yesterday. I didn't expect to see anyone I knew there. But Basil was there. So was Denisa. 'cept she was in a different class. Plus, I didn't expect to see the place so .............. dilapidated. Seriously. That's the only word I can use to come close to describing it. Somehow, I kind of expected the place to be a little bit ......... ahhh ........ cleaner? Better looking? Better kept? More efficient?

Well, anyway, it was supposed to start at like, 9.00 a.m . It started ....... well, close to 11.00 a.m . I mean, hello ?? Whatever happened to punctuality?! Not that I'm complaining or anything, but still. It was boring like anything, I couldn't hear half of what the lecturer (can't think of what else to call him) was saying. No, make that three-quarters of what the lecturer was saying. In the end I just slept. Whaaaaaaaaat ? I couldn't help it. =P

Oh, and I've changed my mind about the school toilets. They're like, so wonderfully clean and perfectly functional. I'm not kidding. NONE of the toilet doors at that Undang seminar place could be locked. Like, none of them. I had to push the barrel of water to hold the door in place, because it kept swinging open. And it was absolutely dirty. Ugh.

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