Tuesday 4 December 2007

paaaaaaaaaain .... !!!

My legs Hurt.

Hurt with a capital "H".

No, wait. That's not enough emphasis on how much it hurts.

Okay, HURT with a capital "H", "U", "R", and "T".

I hate stroking. No ......... that's not right. Oh, okay, I hate stroking when Coach Jenny makes us do all the "leg-strengthening" stuff. Let me tell you, it is a MAJOR pain in the ass. Literally. Well, not only in the ass, everywhere else too. I was walking like a penguin the whole of yesterday ... and today, actually. And saying that I was walking like a penguin? Yeah, that would be an insult to penguins. Pathetic, right?

Seriously. My mum laughs at me every time I try to walk down the stairs. It's not much of walking, more of a half-hop-half-suspending myself in the air sort of thing. Not funny.


And I put myself through all this torture because ............ ?

*thinks hard*

Oh yeah. Because I wasn't given an option. Mum. Need I say more ?


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