Sunday 2 December 2007

Absolute Coolness !!

I had my first proper driving lesson with my dad yesterday.

I DIDN'T CRASH !!!!!!!

That's an achievement in itself, is it not? *beams proudly* I practised driving around a playground car park area. After my dad told me what to do, of course. And I'll have you know that it wasn't totally empty, okay? Well, it was empty at first. And I kind of took it for granted and didn't even look in the mirrors. XD But after a while a few cars started coming in and I guess I got more used to driving and looking at the mirrors at the same time. Hey, I can turn corners and all without braking too much !! =P

So anyway, I think I was at it for about an hour. Maybe less, maybe more. But it was soooooooo fun. Waaaaaay cool. =) And I went up to like, 40 km/h !! I mean, considering the first time dad took me driving I went to 7.5 km/h and I thought THAT was fast. XP

Oh, and we (my dad and I) went to One Utama after the driving lesson. Walked around a bit, bumped into Trixie and Auntie Stephanie.. Then we went for dinner at the Paddington House of Pancakes, because there didn't seem to be anywhere else (appealing) to have dinner. The pictures in the menu looked good .... really good. But when we ordered, gosh, the meat came out looking so P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. Seriously. It was like, all dried and shrivelled up. By the way, notice that I so brilliantly did not mention anything about shopping to deceive .. I mean, to let you guys know that I'm such a good, good girl. *innocent smile*

So that was yesterday.

And today ............ I had my second driving lesson ! You know what? I actually went on the ROAD. Yes, people, I am dead serious. The Road. Ahahaha.. Okay, fine, my dad brought me to that road because it was an industrial area and there were very, very few cars there. But there still were cars okay !! I'm alright, people, I'm still in one piece, you can breathe ... XD Sorry, being a bit 'perasan' today. Seem to have caught the bug from someone. *cough*carmen*cough* =P

Right, so today, I went like, 60 km/h !! So cool right ? I mean, it's only my SECOND lesson. Don't mess. So yeah, I totally deserve praise, ya know? Hehe.. And my dad was like, all worried because he thought I was going too fast. Funnieeeeeeee. =)

Okay, that's it for now. I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooored. *sigh*

p.s- I don't think you'll see it, but Michelle and Ruth .. Good luck for Bible Knowledge exam tomorrow !! See, I'm such a supportive friend. =)

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