Saturday 12 February 2011



So it's 6.10 AM now. And I still haven't gone to sleep. I tried, I swear! I've been trying to fall asleep since 1.30 AM. I played soothing music, I tried to make myself sleepy by playing Solitare over and over and over again.. I even tried listening to my mum's dhamma talks that usually get me sleeping within 5 minutes, tops.

Evidently they didn't work.


It probably didn't help that I slept at about 7 AM yesterday morning. Heheh. And that I woke up at 3PM.

Oh wells I'm still on holiday so it's all good =D

So anyway. On to some more serious stuff. This year, I promise myself that I will work harder at all my subjects... especially the stupid Psychology research subjects that are compulsory.

Because DAMNIT all I want for my 21st birthday present... is to graduate well and get a good job.

That's not too much to ask for, right?


And all our yesterdays have lighted fools...

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