Monday 18 May 2009

Worth the Wait.


I was walking down the usual path I take to my Monday afternoon class today..

And it hit me.

I'm in University.

No, seriously.

I'm actually IN Melbourne University.

Yeahhhhh, okay, so it's a bit of a late realisation or whatever.

But I don't know, somehow it felt like.. I mean I've been walking around the campus for almost a year and half already. A year of it while I was in Trinity, and the other half a year while I'm actually a university student. And it just seemed so.. normal, somehow. It's as if.. I've always been here, like I've been walking down the same path my whole life. Fine, not really my whole life, but a significant part of it, anyway.

Okay, I have no idea what I'm getting at. But still. I'm amazed that I've managed to survive this long. Haha. Like seriously, I still can remember SO CLEARLY, when I was in Form 1, thinking that I'd never get to Form 5, let alone finish college and get into University. It felt like a long time then.. but looking back, it seems to have flown by. But it still feels like ages ago.

Where DID all that time go?

But then.. some things really ARE worth the wait. It was a long roller coaster ride up to where we are now, but then.. in the end, it's all worth it, don't you think? =)



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