Saturday 4 April 2009



"Stop it, guys, stop having a go at him," I muttered for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Why, Tess? Why do you keep trying to protect him? He's not worth it, not after what he did to you. Why does he deserve that?" one of my friends shot back at me.

Why indeed. Why did I even bother? Wasn't it enough that I was publicly dumped and humiliated? Why did I have to stand up for him? Why did I have to deal with this?

I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. The scene around me disappeared, only to be replaced by a memory that I could not forget, however much I wanted to.

"Rick, please, let's give it another go.. we can make this work, I know we can. I love you, Rick, please don't do this to me," I begged, tears streaming down my face.

"Forget it, Tess. I've already told you that you are nothing to me. I'm breaking up with you," he said.

"Nothing? Nothing at all? Why..." I whispered, my voice faltering at the last word.

"You just didn't understand me, Tess. You didn't really know who I was, who I am. You just weren't the right girl for me, you never were," he said coldly.

I flinched. It took me a few seconds to regain my composure. I stared uncomprehendingly at him, searching his face for some kind, any kind of remorse for what he said. I found none.

"You... you didn't... want me?" I stuttered.

"No. I just needed to make Claire jealous".

Clarity rushed through my mind like a flood. And at that moment, I wanted to hurt him so badly. I wanted to look him in his eyes, and stab his heart as deep as I possibly could. Just so that for one second, he would feel the hurt he put me through.

My fists clenched even as the tears began to cloud my vision. I could still hear my friends gossiping about all his bad traits.

"Just stop it, all of you. You're right - he doesn't deserve any of this. He's not even worth it," I said angrily.

The End
-Caitlin K.-

The happiness of love is a shooting meteor; the pain of love is the darkness following. -LiYiYun-


HalfGlass[at]mail[dot].com said...

Reader's review:

Subconscious reflections of the mind...or a budding writer exercising her creative juices? ;)

"Vengeance" seems a tad too strong a title here - too abstract, lacking the cold and bitter traits that would otherwise be associated with it. Tess's character....a little too naive and "wholesome" while Rick is portrayed like to have taken a candy off a 3-year old.

Nonetheless, the background positioning is excellent with constant illustrative yet descriptive details to set the scene in place.

In a nutshell, not bad for less than a minute's read - pretty clear, with the message going across well. Just that the flow and transition of emotions seem to be a little incoherent and abrupt. can now set your hands free of the rotten eggs and tomatoes :P

P/S: If you would otherwise wish for this comment to be left private (i.e. not published) BUT with a chance of rebuttal, look closer. The devil is in the details :)

caitlin kang jia qian said...

Haha wow thanks for the comments. I'll keep them in mind.

I wasn't intent on writing a creative masterpiece, though. That took me what, 10 minutes to write? Not exactly the amount of time one should spend on a masterpiece.

Like I said in my chatbox, I felt like posting up just the third last paragraph. But then I figured that it wouldn't make much sense, so I decided to fit a story around it.

Most of my titles are like that, they either don't relate to the post at all - because they're what I feel at the moment, or something like that, OR they relate to only one line in the entire post. Depends on what I feel like doing.

I'm aware that the transition of emotions and stuff isn't as smooth as it could (and probably should) be, but like I said, I didn't intend to write a full story. =)