Sunday 29 March 2009



So maybe I shouldn't have borrowed the books.


At least I had the sense to defer reading it till I got back from the library on Saturday. Fat lot of difference that made, though. =(

I've finished two of the books already. TWO. In two days. One book a day. NOT GOOD. I was supposed to read them over three weeks. Sighhhhhh.

Doesn't help that each of the books has about 600 pages each. 1200 pages. Two days. And I struggle to get by what, 10 pages of academic readings? Grrrr, if only University readings were that interesting!!


The books are interesting. =)

But I am SO going to regret it tomorrow, or maybe even later tonight. =(

Just because I hide it, it doesn't mean that I don't feel it, you know.
I'm human, too.

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