Monday 15 December 2008

Trip to Penang.

... because the OH-SO-AWESOME MICHELE is there.
(boost her ego a bit before I go stay with her *grin*)


Yes, I'm going for a very, very short trip to Penang to visit my cousin, Jasryn and my darling friend, Michele.

I woke up at 5 AM.

It's 6 AM now.

I'm leaving the house at 7 AM.

The bus leaves at 8 AM.

I've never sat on a bus in Malaysia before. Heee. =P But I don't think this one counts, it's a coach kind of thing, and I think it's *kindasorta* more comfortable than a normal bus. Although I've never actually been on one before. Well, it LOOKS more comfortable anyway. =)


I'll be back on Wednesday.


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