Tuesday 2 December 2008


... because it's just too hard to figure out.

It's over.

It's all over.

One whole year, gone.


Unbelievably fast, I might add. Although the past two and a half weeks felt much longer than the rest of the year had....

So anyway.

Chemistry. *grin*

I'm 200% sure that I flunked it. Heck, make that 1000%. And I am not kidding, or over exaggerating, or being in any way modest.

I definitely flunked this paper, but whether whatever paltry marks I might have scraped together here and there will be enough to ensure an overall pass.. well, I wouldn't know. If I remember correctly, I counted that I need to get at least 50/180 marks to pass, overall. Pass being 50%. Right now, I sort of doubt that I've gotten anything above 20/180 marks. Okay,fine, maybe 30/180. Again, I am being perfectly serious.

But whatever. Chemistry is my extra elective. It's been my extra elective since the beginning of the year - I never intended to use it in my Best 4 subjects average. I'm applied for an Arts course anyway, I don't need to use Chemistry in my Best 4. Sciences are so not my thing. But I'm just glad that I managed to hold out the whole year with 4 electives. Not that I did particularly well in my extra elective - far from that, really - but still, who's keeping count? =)

So yesterday, after getting out of the exam hall, after being FREED of the unyielding torture of Chemistry

the wonderful, indescribable subject of Chemis...

the idiotic molecules and irritating nomenclature

.. ah, I have it.

After being FREED of studying Chemistry forever (forever being a relative term - depending on how you view the concept of time), I went back to the apartment... and continued reading my story book. Heh. =P

Whaaaaaaaat? It was interesting. Oh, by the way, I've finished reading Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. And I'm 1/3 through with Breaking Dawn. Within 3 days. The first day of which.. I should have spent studying Chemistry. Oops. =P

Yes, I've never read the books before. I've been meaning to, though, since last year. I just never got round to it. At least the good part is that I don't have to wait positively AGES for the next book to come out - just read it all in one go. Spares me the suspense. =)

So, yesterday night (or early morning, rather - around 2 am, to be precise), my roommate decided to be funny. I was reading, you see. Concentrating pretty hard too - I get like that when I'm reading, I can sort of vividly picture the scenes as they happen, and that makes it all the more enthralling, as well as scary (especially with all the vampires and werewolves and whatnots). Good imagination. Anyway. So I was really into the story and stuff, and the lights were switched off (reading on my computer- e-book), because Carmen was, or so I thought, asleep. Then suddenly - CARMEN SCREAMED.

And I tell you, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I jumped off the bed, and turned to face her (not like I could see very much of her anyway, she was under the blankets and it was dark).


She laughed. She was convulsing with (attempted) suppressed laughter.


So not funny.

I swear, living with her is going to take its toll on my health - it's going to give me a heart attack one day. I am in some serious need of some kind of relaxation therapy - preferably without my roommate in attendance. Who knows when she thinks I might need... entertainment.

The things I put up with.

*dramatic sigh*

Hahahaha. But it was quite funny. After the panic episode was over, ayway. Yeah, it was funny. I wish I could've seen my own expression.

Oh, right, I got sidetracked.. I was talking about what I was doing after my exams ended. I read a bit, then I went to the city to buy clothes for Valedictory (we're supposed to dress all business-like, and I have nothing of that sort in my limited wardrobe, and I didn't want to waste time looking for it before or during the exams). A lot of clothes are very expensive. Stupid department stores. Anyway, I didn't get my clothes there. Eventually I got them - a suitable pink top and a high waisted skirt.

I think I look weird dressed like that.

Seriously. It doesn't look........ right.

Skirts.. aren't supposed to be that high up (no offense to anyone's preferences - I just mean for ME).

But I was too lazy to look for anything else - it was virtually the first outfit I saw that would match, and I'd already spent more than enough time searching the shops.


I'm going to look ridiculous during Valedictory tomorrow.

So anyway. Today. I woke up ridiculously early (considering I slept at 2 am - it's late for me kay! Stop laughing.), at 8 am. Well, sort of. I consider it being awake, anyway. I continued reading (while I was still in bed) until 11 am. At which point I had to quickly scramble to the bathroom and get ready. Then I went to Hartwell, for an Oaktree team meeting. Stayed there till about 4 pm, doing some work.

Then it was more or less uneventful until - omigosh so irritating.

I got back to the apartment right. And then I felt like eating Western food for dinner. So I was thinking I'd go to Grilled and eat that Caesar salad with Lamb kebab thing. But I didn't have enough cash on me, I only had my card. So while walking there I was already thinking - what if they don't accept card? And I was right - I didn't even have to walk into the shop to see the sign, I could see it propped up on the cash register.

"Cash Only"

Disgruntled, I walked to the ATM machine. Okay, the ATM machine wasn't far - probably all of 50 meters. Less, even. But I don't like walking. But I wanted to eat that stupid thing. So I walked to the ATM. And just my luck...


Brilliant. Absolutely $@*&!#%&$! brilliant. I think I must have cursed under my breath or something. Okay, maybe not. Whatever, I was pissed off. Super irritating, okay!

So once I glared at the stupid machine (how dare it be out of order when I needed to use it??), I turned and stalked off. And decided that I deserve a nice, expensive dinner because I didn't get what I wanted.


I'm spoiled brat that way.

None of your business. *evil glare*

Yeap. But I was happy after that. I got to eat steak. =)

And now, here I am, back in the apartment, going to continue reading Breaking Dawn. I'll be finished by tomorrow, I'll wager. ;)


Too close for comfort.

1 comment:

A said...

I am entirely jealous of the fact that you're heading back to Malaysia so early.

I could kill for a bowl of good Koay Teow Th'ng. Or a dish of Wan Tan Mee.