Friday 28 November 2008


... because even machines need to take a break, yes?

I'm just writing it out of habit now. It doesn't make me more panic-y or anything. Or remind me that I should be studying. =P

But anyway.


Haha. And it super doesn't feel like it ended. It doesn't feel like my exams are going to end. Because in the first place, it doesn't even feel like exam week(s). =.=

And I have been SLACKING like nobody's business, yo. Hopefully still can get into Melbourne University. XD



Last paper.

Next Monday.

Confirm die. =P

But my dear friend, Ning Mao, the lifesaver that she is, is going to give me a crash course later (she's not free now, which is good for me, because then I get to relax! *grin*). Which I really, really, really appreciate since she has to study for BOTH Chemistry and Biology. So yeah, THANK YOU!!! =)=)

Oooooh, and then after that it'll be all over! One whole year's worth of hard work and effort.. OVER. And the results (coming out on the 12th of December - now I know what to make my brother wish for on his birthday *grin*) will either make your day, and make your whole year's worth of effort worth it... or not. In which case.. seriously, don't talk to me. I will be wallowing in my own grief. XD

“Caitlin, hey, good luck for exams tomorrow. Though I’m sure you don’t need it :-)”

“Oh, but I do need it! I’ve just spent the last hour and a half watching shows instead of studying, OMG!! Confirm fail=P but thanks anyway!”

“Haha, you’ll do fine… you always do.”

Unrelated: And I tell myself not to be spiteful. *shakes head*

You're not the only one who can show your temper.

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