Sunday 26 October 2008


... because it shapes your character.

It is the beginning. And it crawls on. Slowly, steadily. It starts wobbling. It takes slow, unsure steps. Gradually, confidence builds with each step. It starts walking. It sets a brisk pace. Faster, and faster. All too soon it breaks into a run. A quick, galloping run. And on it goes, a smooth blur, racing against itself! And then... and then... and then... it slows down to a walk. It runs out of steam. Slower, and slower. It totters. Fumbling. Spent. And then it ends. It ends, just the way it began.


The very essence of who we are. It defines us. It shapes us. It gives us experience. It has a hold on us. A hand that grips on much more strongly than the hand a master has on a servant, much more steadfastly than the hand a King has on his dominion.

Why is this so?

It is only because we are all subject to it. No one can escape from it. Behold... the Master of all masters, the King of all kings.


We are all subject to what time we have left, be it a melting pool of wax, or a newly-lighted candle. We make do with what we have, we try to leave a mark on the world, so at least, if we cannot live on in bodily flesh, we can do so in the minds and memories of those who are endowed with that gift. And to what extent? The name, just as it fades with the passing of earthly being, fades from memory... eventually.


And yet it does not stop us from seeing what we see, from hearing what we hear, from tasting what we taste, from feeling what we feel. It is cruel, it is kind. It is harsh, it is gentle. It lets us sense what we want to sense. It lets us be who we want to be. It gives life more character, more substance, more meaning.



I was going to write something more trivial, but I got carried away. Oh well, maybe next time.
I knew being this far away from you wasn't going to be easy... I just didn't think it was going to be so hard.

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