Monday 5 May 2008


EAP (English for Academic Purposes) today was so super fun! Chris (my EAP tutor) jumbled us up into three groups of five, because he said we have to do an oral presentation in a few weeks time. My group members - Ruby, Audrey, Pei Qi, Siew Ling and of course, myself. We duly switched places and sat with our group members. I sat on Ruby's right. Audrey was on Ruby's left. For no reason in particular, the three of us were being very funny (and probably a bit lame) amusing ourselves during class.

Example #1:

We were supposed to be writing an introductory paragraph for non-verbal communication.

*all look around and see that everyone else has started*

Ruby: Eh, how to start?

Caitlin: I know I know!! Eons ago ... *majestic hand gesture*

Ruby: Ooh, how about since the beginning of time?

Caitlin: OMG *laugh*, we sound so fairy tale-ish!!

Example #2:

We were trying to think of a word to describe how non-verbal communication began.

Ruby: What's that word? Origi... origina... origination.. ORIGINATION!!

Caitlin: Ohmygod Ruby, you've got to be joking. ORIGINATION???!! Audrey, did you hear what Ruby said?

*all three burst out laughing*

And we teased Ruby for the rest of the class. And after the class as well.

Example #3:

Ruby needed to borrow Audrey's eraser.

Audrey's eraser.

Ruby: Oh, so cool, Audrey! You have a low-fat eraser!!

Caitlin: Huh?? Low-fat eraser???

Ruby: Yeah!! Because it says LIGHT on the eraser!

Audrey: Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..

Caitlin: Ohmygod Ruby, I've got nothing to say.. *bangs head on hand*

Example #4:

We were discussing our introduction for non-verbal communication. We came up with a sentence. The sentence was "Despite the differences in culture throughout the world, many forms of non-verbal communication are universally understood".

Audrey: Oh, so you mean the aliens can understand also?

Caitlin & Ruby: WHAAAAAAAAAAT??

Example #5:

After class, while walking towards Swanston Street.

Pei Qi: We can meet up at my place! It's opposite the Crown (a hotel in the city)..

Siew Ling: Harh? So far!! But that's not in Melbourne!!

Ruby: *confused look* What do you mean that's not in Melbourne? Of course it's in Melbourne!! It's in the city!

Siew Ling: But it's so far!! Anywhere that's not here (around the campus) is not in Melbourne!!

Very very funny people. I had fun. I haven't laughed like that for a long time. Looking forward to meeting up with them to practice our oral presentation.


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