Thursday 19 August 2010

It's Time to Try..

... defying gravity.

I know I'm not a kid anymore.. I know they're idealistic, romantic and unrealistic - but I still love fairy tales. They make me happy. =)

I've been wasting a lot of time doing non-productive things. =( Reaaaaally need to get started on my work, since every week for the rest of the semester I've got something due. Ahhhhhhh. And other some stuff too.. Surgery on the 15th of September. Joy.

Which is actually going to be pretty interesting.
I wonder if I can keep the rib they cut out... and get it made into a necklace=D how cool would that be, lol.


Back to work! Or rather.. back to attempting to START doing work (not actually even doing it yet ugh).

Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity.

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