Monday 4 May 2009



My two most commonly uttered phrases (according to the roommate) :

1. Aaarrrggghhh I'm going to fail this essay, seriously.
2. Crap, I'm going to be late.

Haha. Apparently I say the failing thing every single time I have an essay due... since last year. Oops. I never really noticed. =P

I haven't failed any of them ........ YET. *touchwoodtouchwoodtouchwood*

And yeah, I say I'm going to be late a lot. Haha. And I really do get there late.. sometimes. Not all the time. Just sometimes. Hahaha.

Oooh, hilarious text message conversation with Yun Shen yesterday:

Caitlin: Shen, do you still have my EAP handbook with you?
(EAP - English for Academic Purposes)

Shen: Nope, I threw it away, why?

Caitlin: Haha SHEN I WILL MURDER YOU IF YOU DID!! Hahaha. Why? Because I need to decorate my toilet bowl with it. -.-

Shen: Kk I go search the trash and bring it up to you!

I swear, my friends have become more sarcastic than they used to be. But it's all good fun. =)

Ahhhh, and yes, speaking of which.



I should be doing my essay now.

I should have been doing my essay since 4 PM.

First I got distracted by the roommate asking me to go to Safeway. Heee. And then I went for the flu vaccination injection thing. And then I got distracted by Minesweeper. And then I got distracted by e-mails. And then I got distracted by Plurk. And then Minesweeper again. And then Plurk again. And then ... here I am, blogging.

Yeesh. I really should just finish it up, get it over and done with. But I really don't know what else to write. =(

Stupid essays.

There's nothing I wouldn't do, just let me show you here and now.

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