Friday, 13 March 2009


... because sometimes, sometimes is just not good enough.

late at night, I lie awake thinking of him.
early in the morning, he is the first thing on my mind.
in the day, I daydream about him.
when I close my eyes, I see him right before me.
in my dreams, he loves me the way I love him.
when I feel a little sad, he is there to comfort me.

And sometimes,
when he's really nice, I feel warm.
And sometimes,
when he looks at me, I wish we were alone.
And sometimes,
when he teases me and doesn't mean it, I smile.
And sometimes,
when he laughs at me, I laugh too.
And sometimes,
when he looks into my eyes, I feel a shiver.
And sometimes,
when he holds my hand, the world is right again.
And sometimes,
when he smiles, I melt inside.

But sometimes,
when I look at him, I feel despondent.
Because sometimes,
when I see him laugh, I feel alone.
Because sometimes,
when I see him smile, I wish he smiled because of me.
Because sometimes,
when I see him alone, I pray that he will find me waiting.
Because sometimes,
when I see him cry, I wish I could hold his hand.
Because sometimes,
when I see him happy, I feel sad.
Because sometimes,
when I hear his voice, I cry in the dark.

And all the time,
when I think of him, I feel so hurt inside.

-Caitlin K.-

At what point do we admit to ourselves that this isn't working, and probably never will?


Anonymous said...

OH! i love this post too
haha :D
keep it up!
remember, there's always someone there for you.


caitlin kang jia qian said...

Thanks. =)

And I'll try to remember that. Hehe.
