Wednesday 18 March 2009

It's Not Over.

... because that's the song I'm listening to now.

I had a weird dream.

Like, super, super, SUPER weird.

I dreamt that I had liposuction. =/

If that's not weird, I don't know what is. Hahaha. Because in the first place, I don't even know how liposuction works! I mean, like, in my dream, it was a machine that sucked the fats and everything out. I mean like, no human operating the machine. Like, you know, put coins in and then it starts moving.


Haha then after the thing was done, I complained to my mum (haha OMG) that there was no difference, then as I was looking in the mirror it's like the flab started sinking, sort of. I can't even find the words to describe it. But yeah it wasn't very flattering.



On a less weird note, I miss skating.

I want my boots.

I wonder if I can still do my axel.

And I miss you guys!!

Chor Yeng. Jia Ming. Ruth (hidden behind JM's headddd). Me (ridiculously overdressed, I know). Cheng Chun. Michael. Carmen. Terence. Yee Hooi.

Good luck for your trials and stuff that are coming up!! =)

And because I feel like it,

Haha shuddup, I haven't put up a picture of myself in a long time. And I need to motivate myself to lose weight. But I still refuse to give up the chocolate. It is an absolutely necessary daily dose for my overall happiness. =)

You're haunting me.

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