Wednesday 26 March 2008

Oh lookie.

I'm going home tooo !

Although I wouldn't have minded staying here. Or going up to Sydney. Or going all the way back to Malaysia.

But I think my mummy wanted me to go back. She misses me. *beam*

Pretty weird, though, going back so soon. It's only been one month.

Anyway. I have to sit on a plane .. ALONE. The prospect is ... quite cool, to say the least. =)

Oh, Carmen's standard of english is dropping. The other day, you know what she said to me??

"Eh Caitlin, have you ever SITTEN on a plane by yourself before?"

*Caitlin gives Carmen a very weird look and tries to figure out whether Carmen is trying to act cute -cough-retarded-cough- or something* heheh.

Turns out she wasn't even joking or trying to act cute. =.="


Haha.. The brains on that woman, I tell you .....


Oh yes, exams are going on now.. Had literature on tuesday (yesterday) and mathematics today. I hope I didn't do badly or anything. Touch wood. =) I've got chemistry exam on friday, but heck, I'm only taking Chemistry out of interest, so I guess it doesn't really matter too much. Plus, I'm taking that as an extra elective, so technically I'm not pulling my marks down or anything because I've still got the other three electives (we're only supposed to take 3), so no biggie. =)

That's it for now..

P.s - I STILL don't have my internet connection. Am using the computer in the library. =P

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