Sunday 26 August 2007



Leader: James Ng Wen Liang
Co-Leader: Dylan Lee Mihn Tang
Jeorgein Calixtus
Alphonsus Kiu Huai En
Cheah Shu Li
Ruth Cheng Tsin En
Eugene Chong
Ling Li-Yen
Ooi Zhao Feng
Alexandra Ai-Xian Tan
Tye Li Ping
Regina Yan Ginny

Lookie !!!!!!! :) I watched Ruth perform today! They are CHUNTED. The Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO). Because, you know, they're good enough to make me feel sleepy. Which is a good thing. Seriously. I'm not joking. XD I DID make an effort to stay awake ok?? By, you know, staring at Ruth and her finger movements and all that. They were too good !! What was I supposed to do?? Heheh.. It's a compliment. In a very warped sort of way. >.< Good music puts me to sleep, see? Anyway. Ruth is the best. :)

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